I’ve had this person submitted to me many times over the years but it always seems to hit whenever I’m swamped with work or just don’t have the time to really dig into it.
I have a boatload of submissions to work on and I guess we’re starting here.
Brianna sure likes her watermark. Shame it’s on photos she didn’t create but she sure acts like she did. They are mostly stock images but as you’ll see you’d never know it if reading her post about it. Most of these are also on her Instagram but I only showed the top one there.
You know how much I love fake stories and Brianna does too! Alexa + Eli huh?? The original photographer is Russian so I’m going to guess that they didn’t hail from Seattle…
Reminder if you’ve somehow missed it but I’ve now started a Substack and have been writing a bi-weekly newsletter about Photo Stealers, industry news and copyright stuff.

Likely original source (if this is her photo she wasn’t credited)

I’ve gone back a year and I’m sure there’s more but I’m done.
Update: I lied.
Brianna wants to take the “these are TOTALLY” mine route so I’m going to post some screenshots that I’ve been sent by various people since 2018. Apparently she restarted a new Facebook/Instagram in 2022 and this is probably why. So to the vaults!

Unknown original source

Unknown original source

Unknown original source

Unknown original source

Unknown original source