Pixels: https://jamesroneyphotography.pixels.com/art
Fine Art America: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/jamesroneyphotography
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JamesRoneyPrints/
The hilarity of this man getting caught because he called out OTHER people for stealing images is *chef’s kiss*

Not only has he stolen images and uploaded them into his various fine art galleries but he’s sold some of these images.
You can even have them placed onto products! I love that most of the items below are shown with stolen images.

There’s so much I don’t have the time to source them all but here’s just a teaser before I head off to photograph a wedding. This is only after searching about 2 of 8 pages of his images on Pixels.
Update 6/25/2022: Apparently James wants to claim that all of these images are in the public domain so he’s free to do as he wishes with them. So I’ve added the usage rights to each photo that I can find releases for.
Here’s what he’s added to his Pixels page:
“All Smith Mountain Lake Images on this site were taken by James Roney. All other photos not taken by James Roney were obtained through a ‘paid’ Copyright license; all other photos were obtained legally through commercial sites specialized in public domain photos. No photos were knowingly or intentionally stolen to sell here. Historic paintings found here are public domain. If you find a photo of yours that we ‘legally’ obtained, please let us know right away, and we will remove the image in question. If you have one, be sure to attach your Copyright License with your take down request please. There are workarounds if you don’t have one. We do not use Google images as picture source to sell. Anyone who tells you we knowingly steal photos to sell here are flat-out lying, and can be held liable.”
He has also added some credits on the images so those images are now being used legally but some of the credits are… kind of wild.
I removed the images he’s now credited properly under the creative commons terms and I also removed a few of the images from stock sources he claims to have procured the proper licensing for.
Continue reading James Roney Photography in Falls Church, VA