Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reed.snapshots
It always gives me an extra icky feeling when a photographer not only steals photos but makes up stories to go along with them. I know that it really isn’t all that different than just stealing but it creeps me out all the same.
Some of these sources are hard to find since Reed Snapshots took the entire blog post but what I can find is posted. My guess is that Pinterest was the source for most if not all of these images for their gallery.
The Facebook profile:

Let’s hit the photos, shall we?
This is the first one that pops up, it wasn’t easy to find the source due to the format but I did. Lovely story to go along with the pics, right?

HEre is the original source, Images of Grace Photography (beautiful pics but my GOD does this blog take forever to load!).

The next image I’m able to somewhat source, we’ve seen this everywhere so it’s hard to find the original source.

The Google result page for this image.

The next image that is stolen:

The original images are from Caroline Tran.

This image is another series from Images of Grace Photography but their blog is not the easiest to navigate so I cannot find the original blog post.

The next set of images at Reed Snapshots, complete with story and comments expanding on the story to go along with the stolen images.

The original source is Marianne Wilson Photography.

I know this next image is from Caroline Joy but her blog doesn’t allow searching and for the life of me I can’t seem to find it on there but it’s credited to her on some reblogging sites.

UPDATE 3/15:
The Facebook page has been taken down and Reed Snapshots is claiming that someone hacked their Facebook and they uploaded the stolen images. It’s an interesting hack when someone hacks into your Facebook and you can’t access it to take down pictures yet you can still message from it. Hmmm…. the good news is that the images are down.
UPDATE 3/19:
They’re back!!! This story is so full of poo that I have to post the statuses so that you too, can read how filmsy her hacker excuse is.

Nothing since February 25th or so has been her on this Facebook page, right?

Note the finished uploading some of my sessions? Those “sessions” posted were the stolen images. Boy, that hacker was smart to tie in her special to the fake status update he made for her about those sessions she shot.

Not only were these “hackers” keen enough to update her status, they also make sure to keep the wording and pricing the same as her last “real” status on Facebook according to her.

I call a big pile of BS. Hey Reed? If you’re going to come up with a lie about how those stolen images landed on your so-called business page (friendly tip? Private business pages are a no-no with Facebook) make sure to cover your lie up. Own up, say you are sorry and try and find a career that doesn’t rely on stealing from other people. Working in Wal Mart’s Portrait Studio does NOT make one a creative professional photographer.
This my friends is how liars get caught.
For those of you reading, do you want to see this page taken down? Report the page to Facebook as a business. Use the wheel on the right hand side, click it and follow through.