Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/primelensphotography.uk
Tumblr: http://primelensphoto.tumblr.com/
Over the course of the history of this blog, things have changed as I see areas that need tweaking. I’ve changed the formatting of how I do the post quite a few times. I’ve added comments. I added Facebook, Twitter and Google +. Some things work and some things aren’t working as well as they could. One of those things that aren’t working as well as they could is the comments being open indefinitely as things tend to drag out and turn into making things personal or just a place to screw off. From now on the comments will be closed for a thread after 3 days at which point you will be able to email me with any updates that I will add to the listing as needed. As with anything, we’ll see how it goes and if this is too long, long enough or needs to be longer.
I’m not using images from Prime Lens Photography’s website as it appears clear.
There are boudoir images below the cut so NSFW warning!!!
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