Perhaps I shouldn’t be posting since it’s “just” this one advertisement that was posted privately but an award winning photographer should know better (and it’s pretty brazen to steal from Sue Bryce). It’s possible there are others that were privately shared as well.
Ironically she’s also known for winning NZIPP Iris awards in illustration like someone else I’ve posted before.
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Unknown original source

Angela wrote me and insisted that the ad is a template she bought off Etsy (curiously no such ad pops up with any search I perform) and wanted to see a link of where it was posted.

Maybe it was an Etsy template but wouldn’t you remove the template photos? Why would a random Etsy person have an award winning photo and a photo from a class and a photo that Sue Bryce took? It’s just all odd.
I’m sure the next reply will be something along the lines of blaming the person who posted it but again, if your name is attached why would you let this fly?
Here’s the post I was sent to me that I sent to Angela.

After the above was sent to Angela she said that her friend just asked for her logo and made everything else up herself. Hmm, I had a feeling the friend was going to be blamed.

I went back and forth on this because if this was true, why was the first immediate response that it was an Etsy template? Now it’s something her friend used with stolen photos after getting Angela’s logo and photo. Since it was for charity she didn’t make money on it.
This same friend who in almost every other post made sure to include the Shutterstock logo and info with any post she made, somehow decided to go rogue for the flier and steal images randomly online?

And that friend who “only asked for the logo” also somehow had fonts to match to create these spreads?

Angela RSVP’d for and attended the event. Below you can see her with her item up for auction.

Note, the auctioneer is holding the same ad from the Facebook event in his hand. You can see some of the flier in the photo and he appears to have a stack of papers in his hand. I cannot prove he had every page but at least he did have the top photo shown.
Now, I don’t have a video of Angela interacting with the printout flier with the images I sourced above. I can’t prove she ever laid eyes on it but to believe that you have to believe she was included in this event/page via Facebook, RSVP’d to the event, made an offer of donation for auction, and attended the auction all without ever laying eyes on the flier in question.
The items for auction were laid out within the room and photos from the event show people interacting with the items for auction. I can’t prove that the full spread was printed but here’s what the event looked like on that same group.

In the end someone won the auction for $700 I believe and got her gift card – the same one that Angela has displayed on her Facebook Page.