Tag Archives: UK

Collecting Light AKA Journey Through Meadows in Brighton, England, UK

Website:  http://collectinglight.com/ [URL no longer valid]
Flickr:  https://www.flickr.com/photos/72610808@N04/

More proof that a pretty website doesn’t mean the photographer is legit.  This photographer was called out by the original photographers back in December but they have had no luck getting their images removed from Collecting Light’s website or Flickr.

Each gallery appears to be lifted from the same photographer so I’m not sourcing every single image, just a few from each gallery.

Each blog is also lifted from a single photographer and is accompanied by a fake story about the session.  You know how much those creep me out!

Update: 05/10/2014 @5:00PM EST

Added in some plagiarism that’s going on along with more stolen images from her Journey Through Meadows blog.  There are fake stories and stolen images abound on the blog and it is quite unsettling.  More digging has shown that not only has Lucie been plagiarizing but she’s also faked her own death.

Flickr has removed all of the stolen images and her photography website has been changed to force a login to see the site.

Lucie commented in the comments if you care to read her side of the story (spoiler – those are her images she took herself!).

Thank you for your ad clicks and donations – this enabled me to pay for more searches with Copyscape to help find the original writers of many of these blogs.  <3

Continue reading Collecting Light AKA Journey Through Meadows in Brighton, England, UK

Vintage Wedding Media

Link:  http://www.vintageweddingmedia.com/

I’ve been on a hiatus because a) this blog isn’t easy to maintain and b) end of year means that my paid job wins.  However today I’ve had a slew of messages regarding this asshat so I decided to come out of hibernation.  


This is their gallery on the website (which is flash and annoying BTW).  Looks pretty doesn’t it??  Too bad most of these are stolen! 


The first few of these were stolen from Matt Andrews Photography, he’s had the same images stolen before by 24/7 Protography.  


The image stolen from Phil Evans is located in the gallery seen above second from the left on the bottom row.  


This image as well as a few others from the gallery were taken by Cliff Mautner was stolen most likely from the venue’s blog which did not have watermarks.  



There are a couple portraits that were stolen from Paul Pope Photography




And a few more that were stolen from 5th Avenue Digital.

Melissa Roper Photography

Link:  http://www.melissaroperphotography.co.uk/

This girl is happy to announce she is offering to photograph (and video!) weddings this year for free (yes you read that right) to build her portfolio.  She even offers two photographers for the price of none – per her website.  My personal favorite is that she is urging clients to hire her even if they already have hired a photographer as she says she’ll stay out of their hair.  Suuuuuuureeee.  Here’s my favorite part of her FAQ though, “Are all of the pictures on this website your own? No, the images currently on this website we’re taken by Robin Bradshaw of Bullet Photography. They are a representation of the photojournalistic style I aspire too and they are temporary whilst I build my portfolio in 2012.”

Well… at least she is honest in her dishonesty.  Too bad it’s pretty hidden so unless you are actively looking for it, you wouldn’t know it was NOT her work being shown.   The photographer she stole from did NOT give her permission nor did she credit her exactly as you will see in the source.  




Her site is now down.