Julie Paisley Photography / Julie Paisley Education


Yes, this is who I was talking about yesterday on the Substack.

Julie Paisley is a film photographer who has been around for quite a while and is well known within the film community. She’s part owner of Hybrid Co., has lead a shootout at WPPI, she leads workshops (she calls them retreats), she sells a ton of shit (online courses, notebooks, cards, vintage books, layflat mats…), and is an author (memoir and a never-actually printed Paris guide). I’m sure there’s things I’ve missed.

Over the weekend someone that booked a photography + mentoring session with her posted in a Facebook Group asking for advice. They’d booked with a prominent photographer and after asking other photographers for advice it was discovered there were a lot of people experiencing a similar issue with this photographer. So they posted to the group and it kind of exploded from there. It was brought to me and I wasn’t sure what I’d do with it at first since she is allegedly battling some health issues.

I posted the story to Substack without naming names and decided that the decision would make itself known to me. As the day progressed I got more and more stories and it became overwhelmingly obvious this isn’t just a couple people having an issue. Then one person turned the tides and I decided to go for it.

There’s a multitude of issues at hand here but overwhelmingly it’s people not getting what they paid for and often not getting refunds.

I have a feeling this is just the tip of the iceberg here. I kind of feel more like I’m on Ocean Gate instead of the Titanic at this point. All I need is a Logitech controller…

The easiest way for me to tell this is via timeline I think. I don’t know. Fuck. Continue beyond the jump and I apologize in advance for the chaos.

Updated 10/9/2024 : Added more stories, added more updates, added more WTF below. It was going to be in the newsletter like it was last week but hot damn, there’s just too much.

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2015 (Mentoring) – A photographer had a bad experience with Julie and was eventually refunded.

2016 (Mentoring) – A photographer books a one-on-one mentoring session with Julie which included staying in her home and learning from her in person. Mentoring was ended early and Julie was not kind to the photographer.

2017 (Wedding) – Allegedly ghosts Wedding Client

Screen capture from post online

2018 (Wedding) – A photographer hired her to photographer her wedding because she admired Julie. She canceled their engagement session at Disneyland at the last minute because she decided to extend her trip to Hawaii. Then the day of the wedding things went off schedule due to the amount of time Julie spent photographing the details. She was rude the the guests and the client had a lot of complaints about working with Julie. When the photos were delivered there were barely any candids and the gaps had to be filled from stills from the videographer.

Review from Wedding Wire

2019 (Mastermind) – At the end of 2018 (likely for a Black Friday push) Julie launched a Mastermind course for 2019 and it appears she had one for 2020 and 2021 as well. All three years allegedly had waitlists.

She claims to be on track to make over $600K in 2019 and wants to teach you how to do the same.

The course would include 4 retreats, 8 group phone calls and a slack and Facebook Group.

The cost for this was either $12,500 in full or $1500 down and $999/month.

I can’t verify how many were in the Mastermind but at least one person reported there were around 12-15 in their class.

If everyone took the discount to pay in full that’s $150K/year for those three years.

I’ve been told that while the calls did happen, they often were rescheduled due to various reasons.

Allegedly the Mastermind Retreats also didn’t happen due to various reasons but I can’t verify if not a single one happened but it sounds like they didn’t happen in 2020 (which is understandable) or 2021 for sure but I haven’t been able to 100% verify this yet.

Everything I’ve been told about these were that basically, yes, she gave info but nothing that was unique or different than what you’ll hear from most influ-tographers that are trying to sell themselves/their teachings.

A few have said that she definitely left you wanting more and did a subtle upsell to get you to book one-on-ones or retreats where you could get deeper.

Overwhelmingly the reports are, they were fine but not necessarily worth $12,500.

5/2020 (PPP Loan) – Matt takes out a $21,250 PPP loan out from the SBA for Julie Paisley Photography. From the records I can find, it does not appear to have been forgiven.

5/2020 (EIDL Loan) – Matt takes out a $150,000 EIDL loan out from the SBA for Julie Paisley Photography.

6/2020 (Yikes) – This is just cringe and I had to cover this alleged incident that’s been sent to me a few times.

2020 (Various Retreats) – Julie is forced to cancel a bunch of retreats due to the covid pandemic. Much like Sallee Photography, Julie allegedly tried to get the various attendees to change to later dates but due to unknown travel to Europe said she would refund.

Many of the attendees were given various reasons why they couldn’t refund – MIL was sick/had cancer, she was making barely $40K/year due to the pandemic (note the $171K+ loans she got in May…), the hotels wouldn’t refund etc.

Someone called the Paris hotel that Julie claimed wasn’t refunding and they told them there was never a booking *to* refund.

Allegedly it took 3 years to get refunds and those that received one were forced to sign NDAs in order to receive it

3/2021 (PPP Loan) – Matt takes out a second $21,250 PPP loan out from the SBA for Julie Paisley Photography. From the records I can find, it does not appear to have been forgiven.

Note: this is a grand total of $192,500 in loans that Julie Paisley Photography received during the pandemic.

7/2021 (Provence Retreat) – The month before it was reported that Julie was recovering from her surgery but it appears that she was able to do a photography retreat with Travellur in July.

4/2022 (Paris Retreat #1) – A client booked the Paris retreat in 2022 after having a Mastermind session with Julie in 2020. She paid $2950. Despite rain forecasted for 10 days in advance during the retreat, Julie had no rain plan. They were promised a chateau but none was booked. The rain plan ended up being Julie buying Gucci wallpaper and hanging it on a wall in the apartment she rented in Paris and photographing a model there. Julie also did freelance work during the retreat (for Victoria Magazine and photographs for a book) and would go off by herself which upset the attendees. Many things didn’t take place as promised during the trip. Another client from this retreat stated that it was evident that Julie wanted them to promote the retreats so she could sell more and that the majority of Julie’s time with them when she wasn’t off working was spent on the phone. All attendees say that they heard the second workshop the week following theirs was much better (possibly due to more attendees).

4/2022 (Deception) – A woman met Julie at Hybrid Co. in 2021 and booked their one day workshop in Miami for 3/2022 shortly afterwards.

When attending the workshop, Julie allegedly kept mentioning that she needed an assistant and so the woman followed up afterwards to see if this was something that she was seriously considering and if so she wanted to apply for the job as it seemed like a dream job to her.

Julie told her she was looking for someone and outlined what she was looking for in an assistant – someone to send out contracts for her workshops/retreats, someone to run the Facebook Groups for her and be an assistant on retreats and do the driving since she can’t drive. She gave her dates she needed someone to travel with her (a week in May, the month of July, a week in October). The woman explained she’d have to quit her full time job and Julie knew this would be happening.

The woman went to another workshop and was eager to tell people about her new sweet gig she thought she would be working and Julie told her to come to Paris to meet with her and the other assistant she was hiring for a week to hash out their new roles and do a big reveal.

It was news to this woman there was another assistant but it was still a dream job despite her hesitations so she booked a flight to Paris and made the arrangements to go. Julie wasn’t very responsive but thankfully the other woman was and helped with logistics to get her to where they were in Paris.

However, both these women were very surprised when their Paris trip turned into following Julie around the city holding her bags and gear while she shopped. There was a few trips here and there but the trip was mostly focused on shopping and not talking shop like they thought they’d be doing.

The limited amount of business talk they did Julie walked back any intention of hiring them officially and said that she couldn’t afford to take them to retreats unless they sold more seats.

Needless to say the women left Paris with less stars in their eyes and ultimately at least the one woman decided not to go forward with working for Julie, I’m not sure about the other.

The flight was reimbursed and thankfully the woman was able to cancel her resignation with her employer.

9/2022 (Scotland Retreat) – 12 clients booked the Scotland retreat, all for less than the advertised price. A couple weeks prior to the trip they were notified that the pink castle location wasn’t going to pan out but Julie promised they’d go to another castle even though it would be a longer drive. It was the main reason many booked and they were disappointed.

When they all arrived at the train station for the retreat, there was no transportation to take them to Abbotsford so they had to walk about a mile with bags and gear. Upon arrival they saw there was a shuttle that could have got them, all Julie had to do with coordinate it with the inn. Julie blamed the Queen’s death/National Holiday for why they couldn’t have a shuttle and why the castles weren’t able to be booked.

The day of the styled shoot Julie woke up with covid, claims it was her first time and canceled the whole castle trip. The models ended up traveling to them in Abbotsford and they did a smaller shoot with them on site without Julie. It is unknown why the clients couldn’t just go without Julie.

Note: allegedly Julie had claimed other times prior to 9/2022 to have had covid.

No other styled sessions happened during the trip and there were no other castle visits. They did do some local sight seeing and the meals were covered.

Some were very disappointed with their experience as it was not anything like they were promised.

10/2022 (Morocco Retreat) – A client books a spot at the Morocco retreat set in July 2022 for October of the same year. Julie was responsive until the money was paid and then stopped responding. Julie eventually sends an email saying the trip may be canceled due to covid/security issues (despite nothing about this being online) and is willing to move the money to a future trip. Client opted to pursue a chargeback via AMEX which was granted.

Original ad for the retreat to Morocco.
Review left on Wedding Wire about this incident.

7/2023 (Nantucket Retreat) – Three women booked a retreat in Nantucket with Julie for a “discount” at $2750. They were supposed to stay at the White Elephant hotel and allegedly ended up staying at a ‘dumpy’ motel instead (I’ve stayed at the White Elephant and it is an experience and I’d be PISSED if someone tried to change that on me!). They also were supposed to have meals included but Julie’s card was declined so they had to pay for their own meals. Finally they never had any kind of styled shoot which was the whole reason they booked the retreat. They did however go along with Julie to a shoot she was hired by a magazine to photograph and were her assistants.

(I cannot find an ad for Nantucket)

8/24/2023 (Retreats) – Julie Posts to Facebook she is postponing the rest of her retreats to focus on her health.

9/22/2023 (Business) – Julie Paisley Photography Inc. is moved to admin dissolution for not filing an annual report. This had happened in 2019 and 2022 but was resolved both times.

At the writing of this blog post update, it has not been reinstated. There is also no registration for Julie Paisley Photography in either Ohio, Tennessee or Mississippi which is other locations Julie has lived in the past few years.

Julie may have a registered photography business that I can’t find but using her business name, her husband’s name and her name I cannot find anywhere that it is registered.

10/2023 (Motherhood Sessions) – In October of last year Julie posted that she’d been struggling to find her place in photography since retiring from weddings and had decided to pivot into portrait photography. She sold this as a day she’d spend with your family that would be documented in black and white film and super 8 videos AND a mentoring session. Travel fees weren’t going to be added and she’d schedule these so the different areas were together. It was $1500 for this mentoring + photography session.

So far there are at least 10 different people who paid for these sessions last October/November and were told they’d be scheduled in the summer of 2024. At least one inquired after the news of her brain tumor came to light if they were still happening and she was assured they were still going on as planned as it wouldn’t affect her sessions/retreats.

One person was ghosted after May. Three were scheduled for July, then moved to August and then ghosted. Some just never heard from her at all. Some have asked for refunds, one was asked to reschedule again because money is tight. No one has received a refund.

11/2023 (Products) – I’m not going to get into the super nitty gritty with the smaller scale things but it appears there were a few things sold during her Black Friday sale that weren’t delivered.

One was a set of her online film photography classes. The release kept getting pushed back and one attendee was given excuses like a death in the family, too busy with Hybrid Co and (my personal favorite) she was “protecting her peace.” These products were not delivered.

Another thing that was in this sale/around this time was vintage books she was selling with her “Dear Julia” page. This was another product that wasn’t delivered.

Here’s another book that Julia was selling, a guide to pretty places in Paris to photograph. I don’t know what the cost of this item was but I do know that the publication kept getting pushed back and refunds were sent at the end of January. It appears this was never released.

Summer 2024 (FB Marketplace) – Matthew begins to sell random things on Facebook Marketplace and in BST groups on Facebook (oddly in various states in the country). I know this doesn’t seem to matter but hold on for a moment OK?

The first thing that caught my eye was this item. It’s a truck tool box that, per Matthew, “came out of my 2020 Chevy Silverado 2500.” Keep that nugget in your brain for a bit OK?

Also in a listing for books he mentions that his wife (Julie) kept the 1st edition Tom Sawyer [depending on the condition/edition that could be worth a pretty penny… which you could sell if you needed to pay people back… ].

6/2024 (Provence Retreat) – A client who had booked a different location in 2023 and got canceled on at the last minute, moved to another location that was again canceled at the last minute ended up at Provence in June 2024. They paid $5500 and said that the accommodations were cheap, most of the food wasn’t included, there was not a real styled shoot (it was a DIY situation) and it was a disappointing experience after waiting for over a year to work with Julie.

9/11/2024 (Business) – Matt and Julie register a new company in Mississippi, All The Lovely Co LLC. Per the papers filed, they will be selling merchandise. This does not mention photography at all.

9/2024 (Paris Retreat) – Today ironically this client was supposed to be in Paris at Julie’s Fall Paris Retreat. She paid $3900 for the retreat. On 8/28 Julie messaged the client saying that the other 2 girls on the trip were concerned about the construction in Paris due to the Olympics and asked if she was interested in rescheduling in April/May, the client replied and said they’d rather make the best of areas that aren’t affected and Julie didn’t reply.

She checked back in on 9/17 with Julie to see what time check in was so she could get her travel arrangements in place. Julie replied and said she thought she’d emailed her and she said she needed to move the retreat to the spring due to lack of bookings and the expense of hosting in Paris.

The client requested a refund on 9/25 after sitting with it for a few days and didn’t receive a reply. They again followed up on 9/28 without a reply.

This morning Julie’s husband replied and said the Paris retreat was canceled due to Julie’s poor health (remember, Julie stated it was for financial reasons) and said some other unkind things about those that are speaking up about their experiences with Julie.

Message to client on 9/17/2024 for the retreat starting 9/30/2024 from Julie stating she is moving it due to financial reasons.
Email to client from Julie’s husband Matthew stating the retreat was canceled due to medical issues and trying to silence the client from speaking out about their experience.

This (above) is the one that tipped the scales for me to post. This is an ongoing issue – not something that’s from prior to her becoming ill. She *just* canceled on this person less than two weeks before their retreat citing financial issues, then sent her husband in to claim that it was medical.

There’s still more retreats that are scheduled this year. She is taking bookings for 2025. This is ongoing and if I sat on this and said nothing I’d feel complicit knowing what I know. I’m not saying not too book with Julie, but I feel that the public has the right to make their own decisions once they have all the information as to what is taking place.

Bottom line: if you can’t perform a service or deliver a product that’s been paid for, refund.

9/30/2024 – While I can’t verify the intentions, today Julie made a post to Instagram, eventually turning off the comments.

You decide what you feel about it.

10/1/2024 (Sessions) – After my post went live Julie sent out an email to some of the Motherhood Session clients.

The key takeaways from this email are:

  • She’s having treatments in Oct/November but for right now unless her husband can drive her to you from their location in Mississippi she cannot do your session right now. The sessions will have to be next year.
  • She hasn’t brought in any money since February.
  • Nevermind, she can’t drive to you because they don’t have a car because last week their engine blew up.
  • They also are barely paying for food and a roof over their head.

Now, remember those Facebook Marketplace and BST ads?

I don’t know how many miles they have on their 2020 Chevy Silverado truck but their powertrain warranty is a 5 year/60K mile one.

Just saying.

10/1/2024 – Later that night, Julie posted an apology to her Instagram which she briefly made public again. She went back to private shortly afterwards.

Here is her statement in full:


If you are in the photography world you have seen things spread about me in groups these past few days attacking my business and my character.

I have made mistakes. I have disappointed people and I am not here to make excuses or pass the blame and I want to do everything in my power to rectify the wrong.

My first big mistake was moving on acting like everything was the same after covid. My bride caused me to try to continue workshops and retreats even though they were not profitable (I was losing thousands of dollars) and I mentally was not in a state to do them. Having multiple melanoma cancer, severe depression, and now a brain tumor, I should have been thankul for the years, cancelled and refunded and said goodbye.

But my pride kept me from doing that and has caused hurt and pain to some of you.

As a people pleaser, it’s hard to ask for help and know when it’s better to walk away than make something happen.

I hope those of you who truly know me that none of this was intentional. I am not a terrible person and I never set out to sell a product and not deliver.

I have refunded people for retreats that changed their mind and didn’t want to reschedule. I have refunded people for sessions beause my health prevented me from doing them in a timely manner.

And there are still people that I’m working with to refund. I am also not currently booking retreats or new sessions for the next year because I had already planned to retire after my obligations in 2025.

What I’ve learned through all of this is that yes, life sucks sometimes and things do happen to mess up plans, but I know that I still have a responsibility to my clients to still deliver what is promised or to refund with consistent communication. Messages and emails get missed. I have not ghosted anyone on purpose.

If you bought something and never received it, let me know.

I am truly sorry for any pain and disappointment I may have caused, and I want to do everything in my power to right my wrongs. I ask for forgivemess and grace as I’m navigating through this space where I bit off more than I could hew and my body is failing me.

I accept defeat, take the blame and stand before you truly heartbroken and humble.

I’m going to be taking a break from social media and seek God for help. I will check messages id you still want to stay in touch with me. I am also happy to talk things out with you if you have questions.

While some things said online were true, a lot that was taken out of context, blow out of proportion or simply untrue. Yet, I hold no grudge, and if you ever reached out to me for help, I would still give it.

I have also made the decision to step down from Hybrid Co.

I am proud to see how Hybrid Co. has grown and helped so many people for the last 9 years, but I love this community and my co-owners too much to hurt it.

My business has nothing to do with Hybrid and its purpose. Please do not hold them accountable or any mistakes that I have made.

You are welcome to have your own opinions and not want to associate with me, and I’m ok with that. I’ve learned some people are only in your life for a season, and that’s ok.

All I can do is to accept what fault is mine, make it right and do better.

I let the industry, fame and money consume me, and at the end it broke me. I’m stubborn. Don’t make my mistakes.

During the last 16 years I have ezperiened the highest of highs & the lowest of lows, but I dont’ regret it one bit. It was a beautiful time, and I am at peace with my decision. I will still use my photography to bless people if I can. I’m truly grateful for you all.

This will no longer be a photography page, so I will be removing people who I don’t know personally or I have never talked with. If you want to stay let me know!

I will also be deleting and blocking any negativity, as I have no space for that in my life. Hugs, Julie”

Note, there was a flag for AI on the post.

10/8/2024 (Sessions) – Yesterday my inbox LIT UP as people flooded it to let me know that Julie is offering sessions again.

Yesterday posted advertising mini sessions in Florida on Amelia Island/Jacksonville for $550/20 minutes for 11/3. In the comments she also mentioned she’s doing sessions in Tennessee on the 26th and 27th and could fit someone on the 28th. I think this is for October but I am unsure.

Pretty much every message I got reiterated a lot of my thoughts. Like, of all the days to post this you’re posting this a day before the monster Hurricane Milton is about to strike Florida. While Amelia Island/Jacksonville are not getting the brunt of the storm they are still under a hurricane warning and maybe this isn’t the time to advertise a sale to them?! Just seemed like bad timing. Worry about your family/friends in the area getting to safety and then sell?

Then of course it’s a smack in the face to those Motherhood clients waiting for their $1500 session to take place. They are all still waiting on refunds or rescheduled dates. None were contacted that I’ve been connected with.

Also… a week ago she was claiming she can’t travel because she doesn’t have a car. Now she’s got sessions in a couple weeks in Tennessee and now Florida. She does say she’s tying the sessions in Florida with her visits to Mayo Clinic but still. Pretty quick turnaround on a new engine that she claims they couldn’t afford.

10/8/2024 (Hybrid Collective) – The Hybrid Collective announced that the new ownership is just Belinda and Carrie. They don’t mention Julie at all or the controversy.

I keep getting messages and whispers that this was something already in process due to some stuff going on behind the scenes with Julie that didn’t have anything to do with what I’ve posted about here. The timing just happened to fall this way.

10/8/2024 – Of course what’s a comeback (after a week) without an announcement on Instagram?

I may have had this in my mind after reading it. Does this make me an alien?

Hilariously… Julie was scheduled to speak alongside another PS alumni, Jasmine Star, last month at the Unstoppable Business Conference but I’m not sure if that happened.