URL: http://www.supernovaphotographybysabrina.com/
WIX: http://supernovaphotography.wix.com/photos
FB: https://www.facebook.com/supernovaphotography2012
G+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/106258126772343735546/posts
Ad: http://rockford-illinois.olx.com/supernova-photography-free-sessions-iid-428073939
Another Ad: http://www.anightinaustin.com/entertainment/434411/a-supernova-photography
Craigslist Ad: http://sanantonio.craigslist.org/evs/3722948196.html
Supernova Photography by Sabrina committed the fault that so many thieves do, they used work on their site that was a HUGE departure from their typical work. It never fails to catch someone’s attention to follow up on. Some of the work on the site is hers, but not all and it’s fairly easy to spot the differences.
Oh and PS? She has a passion for photography! Of COURSE she does. Too bad she stole that profession of passion from Robert Wegenek.
PPS: If you like Photo Stealers make sure to become a fan on Facebook.
Her homepage.

One of the portrait galleries.

Her wedding gallery. See something that catches your eye?

Me too. Let’s investigate.

Not sure if it’s a stock or just plastered all over the web, I can’t find the original source.

Let’s keep going!

Yep, another stock-ish image.

The next image.

This isn’t a stock image but actually an image stolen from Elite Photo, which was featured recently on Rustic Wedding Chic. Insert here a rant about wedding blogs not allowing watermarked images.

Next image on Supernova.

This image is originally from Deidre Lynn Photography, seen featured here on Green Wedding Shoes. The rant above about the lack of watermarking on wedding blogs? It applies here too.

The next image on Supernova.

This image is by Rylee Hitchner seen here on Amy Osaba’s blog and also featured on Once Wed. Another rant about lack of watermarking on wedding blogs? You betcha!


Rings! Yep, they’re stock..ish.


Yep, another stock image of some sort.


This image is by A Bryan Photo and the image is taken from the feature here on Snippet and Ink. That rant about lack of watermarking? Keep it keepin’ on and add a few choice swear words into the mix.


It’s another stock image.

Whew. That’s all the weddings! Hmm, notice anything? Yeah, NONE of these images were taken by this photographer.
I had a sneaking suspicion that her boudoir gallery would have more stolen works in it. I’m not even even going to bother with the stock images. Just trust that if I’m listing the source it’s stolen and if not, it’s stock for this gallery as well.

First image.

This image is from Fine Boudoir Photography.


This image is by Fidelio Photography seen here on their blog, notice the cropping to remove the watermarking that was done.


This image is by Haute Shots. Again, notice the cropping.


The image is by Susan Pacek Photography, no longer listed on her site but I have a copy with her watermark from an old feature online. Again notice the cropping.


This image is by Choco Studio.


Another image from Fine Boudoir.


This image is by Waltzer Photography.


This image is by Alecia Hoyt.

Ok I’m getting hungry and I’m over this so here’s her pet portfolio. Judge at will.

Promotions & Contest page.

Image is also seen on her Craigslist ad.

Image is from Southern Charm Portraits.

Her Facebook page & gallery. What is wrong with this picture?

It appears that she’s used Deidre Lynn’s image (seen above from her gallery) as a profile pic at some point in time.

Update 12:01AM:
Sabrina has taken the galleries down that were outed here and her Facebook page has been hidden or deleted.