Why I Shut Down the Facebook Fan Page


This is the first time in three years that running this blog has brought me to actual tears.

Negative reviews, name calling, mocking my physique, “reviewing” my photography skills or lack of  – this is just a tip of the iceberg of what I’ve endured since I listed SJK Photography on this website.   None of this has brought me even a misty eye but tonight for the first time, I’m in tears.

I realize it’s likely because I’m exhausted… and a girl.

However, I’ve had enough.

Continue reading Why I Shut Down the Facebook Fan Page

Patrick Nicholson Photography in Charlotte, North Carolina

Website: http://patricknicholsonphotography.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PNPCharlotte

Sorry for the bit of silence on the blog – I’ve been going through a lot from a past thief and it’s been a bit soul sucking.  Thank you for all the kind words and support over the past three months as I’ve been dealing with this.

Continue reading Patrick Nicholson Photography in Charlotte, North Carolina

Tasi Image by Michael Guevara in Las Vegas, Nevada and San Francisco, California and Napa Valley, California

Website: http://tasiimage.wix.com/photos
Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/tasi.image
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tasi_image
Instagram: https://instagram.com/tasiimage/

This is just a sampling of the 320+ images from the same photographer.

Continue reading Tasi Image by Michael Guevara in Las Vegas, Nevada and San Francisco, California and Napa Valley, California