Tag Archives: wedding

Summer Danaher Photography in Punta Gorda, Florida

Website: http://www.summerdanaherphotography.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photography941/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/summer_danaher_photography/

Another day, another fauxtographer thinking that no one will notice if they use someone else’s images to advertise for their own sessions.

After working on this one for about 12 hours I had to call it quits.  There’s tons more on her pages still so make sure to look to make sure your image isn’t there.

If you want to kick me a dollar to help keep this site running (really it just goes to my lawyer lol) click here.  If you want to support this site through Patreon and get early access to blog posts and more click here.

Continue reading Summer Danaher Photography in Punta Gorda, Florida

Signature Xavier in Fresno, California

Website: https://fresnoinstastudio.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fresnoinstastudio/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/signaturexavierpictures/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Secrets-of-Success-Blog-103084866434106/

Apparently Xavier thinks he could pass as Jerry Ghionis.  *raises eyebrow*

His instagram is full of suspicious images but the majority aren’t coming up on google, likely from Instagram directly which isn’t often indexed on Google.  Peruse his feed to make sure your image isn’t one he stole.

Continue reading Signature Xavier in Fresno, California

Elijah Rose Photography in Roseville, California

Website: https://www.elijahrosephotography.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elijahrosephotography/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elijahrosephotography/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ElijahRosePhoto
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/elijahrosephotography/

It’s been a while since we’ve had a photographer that doesn’t show any of their own work appear.  There’s a couple images that MAY be theirs but you’ll be hard pressed to find them in the sea of stolen images.

This photographer duo ran an ad with a stolen image that caught the attention of another photographer who decided to dig into it further.  It was sent to me and low and behold, nothing on this new photographer’s page appears to be their own original work

This photographer even had the gall to post images that they stole to Pinterest as their own original content.

I’ve spent over 4 hours on this post and I’m calling it quits for now.  Keep in mind there’s still 4 more full galleries of stolen images so make sure to peruse the galleries and let me know if you see an image that you recognize or that is your own.

Continue reading Elijah Rose Photography in Roseville, California