Tag Archives: United States

BFEIKC Studios aka BFEKC Studios aka King Cure in Austin, Texas

Website: http://bfekcstudio.webs.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BFEKCStudios

~*~*~*~*~NSFW Warning!!!!~*~*~*~*~

His URLS and the pictures below may include images that are NSFW!!!!

I’m leaving the website out of it since it’s not really a photography website, it appears to be a website to represent models.  However, the Facebook is a different story.  I’m only including images where he states these are sessions/shoots or alludes that these images were from his studio.  Most of the images he’s claimed to photograph himself are of celebrities and models from various ad campaigns and fashion editorials but some are originally photographed by boudoir photographers.

Continue reading BFEIKC Studios aka BFEKC Studios aka King Cure in Austin, Texas

SJK Photography aka Picture This by Stacie Klein in Delray Beach, Florida

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SJKPhotography2014/timeline

She also likes to tag real clients she’s had in pictures that aren’t of their babies but the parents appear to think they are of their children.  Words fail me right now so I’m going to sourcing because this is beyond fucked up.

Update @ 9:15 PM EST

Just in case there was a shred of doubt in your mind about Stacie’s story about it being hackers I’ve found an ad she placed on a local Mommy group on FB that included stolen images under her own FB account.

Update @ 1:15 AM EST

Stacie, Bill and friends are now attacking my business page reviews.  Those are below.

Update @ 10:30 AM EST 1/22/2014

Well… that was a LONG night.  Stacie, Bill and a couple of their friends left some really lovely reviews on my Facebook Page for my photography business.  Stacie then commented across my page before I banned her.  I shared the kind review to Photo Stealers and the conversation that took place afterwards was quite interesting.  Here’s the PDF.  I’ve added the reviews to the post below along with some other highlights.

Update @ 6:00 PM EST 1/22/2014

Got two interesting emails from an IP that was using an anonymous proxy via my website contact form.  They are below.

Update 1/27/2014

Over the weekend there was a lot of activity on the Facebook Post about this case.  Bill Scott (Stacie Klein’s fiance) came in and commented, along with a friend of Stacie’s whom is a lawyer.  Bill’s comments have been removed but I do have a PDF of the conversation.  Bill also sent a slew of hateful messages to a reader, those are below.

In part of the conversation, Bill mentioned making Ripoff Reports against anyone supporting Photo Stealers and he made good on his threat starting with me.  The lovely thing about Ripoff Report is that anyone can create one but no one can remove one (unless you want to cough up $2000 or more for the CHANCE that they will remove it… ripoff indeed).  However by reading it I think anyone would realize what happened so I’m not losing too much sleep over it.

Yesterday two comments were posted, one to this thread and one to another, stating that any photographer allowing Photo Stealers to list them as an original source would also have a Ripoff Report made about them.  I did not approve them so today they started sending out emails (via the contact form on their websites… sound familiar?) while using a VPN with the same threat to the photographers listed on this post.  This is the email (which matches the comments):

“Hi there, as a professional business person I find it disgusting that you elect to use stopstealingphotos.com free slander service to handle your issues that you should be dealing with. Here is the plan. I will give you one opportunity to ask the owner of that site to delete that entire post or face being listed on ripoffreport.com. The purpose of the report will be noted that you hired and or elected to use stopstealingphotos.com to harass people rather then take the proper legal steps to deal with your own issues. The concept is very simple is that you will face the experience as you put others through by using stopstealingphotos.com service.

Please note that once your web address, name, and contact info is listed on that website, It cant be deleted. That would mean that every time someone googles your business they are going to see that rip off address right below you, along with the story of how you asked stopstealingphotos.com to harass and defame people you feel stole your photos. Its going to make you look like a child.

This is what you will have posted: all your facebook info, pictures of yourself, web address, social media links, phone number and anything else I can collect. The time window to request for this to be done is very small to have this removed. You got those people to speak on your behalf and call names like douche bag have all been screen shotted and will go in your rip off report listing for your customers to see how professional you are hiring cyber bullies to harass a person you claim to have stole your photos. I will be placing that listing within the hours so if I were you i would better hurry up contacting stopstealingphotos.com

Update 02/08/2015

While I was away another Facebook Page was created against Photo Stealers.  The last one created has been deleted.

Bill Scott also decided to take to Twitter since I’ve not allowed his comments through here.  According to some of the posts, Stacie is also using his account since hers is private.

I want to make this crystal clear: I have personally never bullied, stalked, harassed or threatened Bill Scott or Stacie Klein.  I made the listing here about fiance Stacie Klein and they have gone on the defensive.  If you have any questions about what has transpired, feel free to contact me and I’ll show you what has all transpired.

Update 02/16/2015

I’m under a temporary ban from Facebook so I decided to use that idle time to create a timeline of everything that has gone down since the initial post, that timeline is below the images.

Update 9/20/2020

I have put off updating this post about Stacie Klein because I kept hoping that 1) Stacie would stop stealing photos/had learned her lesson and 2) if I didn’t engage with her and Bill they would leave me alone.  She is still stealing images and they never left me alone.  While she is no longer a photographer, she is still trying to use these images for profit as a FinDomme.

Update 5/17/2021

When the Photo Stealers page was hacked I lost the most recent update to this post and some of the linked images went down.  I re uploaded everything after my attention was drawn to the issue.  

Continue reading SJK Photography aka Picture This by Stacie Klein in Delray Beach, Florida

Lera Photography in Miami, Florida

Website: http://www.photolera.com/
Craigslist: http://miami.craigslist.org/mdc/pho/4852218351.html

First off, I want to clear something up that came up with the last thief.  I was accused of doing this for the money and that could’t be any further from the truth.  Yes, there are ads on this site but they don’t pay much.  I make about $30/month on the ads (and thus far 10¢ on Amazon, wahoo!) which covers hosting.  I’ve received some donations and I’ve used that money for things for the site (Blog Stomp, security plugins etc.).  This is a mission from the heart, not one of money.  I put a crapton of time and effort into this site and I don’t feel guilty about trying to do a few things to make it self-sustain.  However, I absolutely am NOT in this for the money.  If I was, well, that’d be silly since it makes none.

Ok… onto this listing.  Florida – it’s been a long time.  This one likes to use Russian photographers.

Continue reading Lera Photography in Miami, Florida

Treasured Memories by Morabito Photography in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania

Website: http://www.treasuredmemoriesonline.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TreasuredMemoriesonline
Chamber of Commerce: http://ellwoodchamber.org/2014/01/02/treasured-memories-by-dani-morabito-photography-expands-studio/
News Article: http://news.ellwoodcity.org/2013/07/18/photos-treasured-memories-grand-opening/
Online Business Card @ Vista Print: http://www.treasuredmemoriesonline.com/online-business-card/?lang=1&langid=1&siteid=2082366&st=1

It takes a special kind of photographer to submit stolen images to the local news for an article about their new studio.  It’s even more special when they PRINT stolen images and display them proudly in their studio window.

I also should note the reviews for this photographer are not good.  It seems they have an issue delivering images in a timely manner, if ever.


Added some more images from Facebook.

Continue reading Treasured Memories by Morabito Photography in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania

Think Photography in Washington DC

Website: http://thinkphotography.us/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ThinkPhoto
The Knot: http://www.theknot.com/Vendors/Think-Photography/Profile/PHO/017/829340/Profile?g=0&utm_source=vendor_website
Wedding.com: https://www.wedding.com/wedding-vendors/md/fort-washington/photographer/think-photography/98692
Model Mayhem: http://www.modelmayhem.com/thinkphoto
Zenfolio: http://thinkphotography.zenfolio.com/
Thumbtack: http://www.thumbtack.com/dc/washington/wedding-photographers/wedding-boudoir-engagement-event-photography


I have work I need to get to so I got the highlights of this listing.

Continue reading Think Photography in Washington DC