Web: http://crjphotography.com/
Web2: http://ryanchristoph.com/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/christopherJphotography
FB2: https://www.facebook.com/cjphotographyco
FB3: https://www.facebook.com/crjphotographywa
FB4: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CJ-Photography-TX/770261529667261
FB5: https://www.facebook.com/cjphotoTN
FB6: https://www.facebook.com/CJPhotographyWV
FB7: https://www.facebook.com/rcimages
FB8: https://www.facebook.com/rcphotoandvideo
FB9: https://www.facebook.com/avaryanphoto/?fref=ts
Web3: http://www.avaryanphoto.com/
White Anchor Films @ The Knot: https://www.theknot.com/marketplace/white-anchor-films-cleveland-ga-1084695
CBS46 article about Chris Jones: https://www.cbs46.com/news/betrothed-beware-prayer-leader-preys-on-brides/article_200da964-4863-11ea-b116-07d5a5f1a7f2.html
Click here to go to the latest update (2/6/2020)
This one is probably going to ruffle some feathers as people are going to have opposing views on whether this is full-on theft or just a bit shady. Since more than 80% of the image (often near 100% of the image) is not CJ Photography’s original work AND since he’s presenting the image as entirely his own (without permission, I’ve checked in with the original photographers and outside of the stock agencies he’s not been granted permission to use the original works in this manner) I’m going ahead with this.
CJ has got some attention recently from running a camera giveaway that involved a like-a-thon on Facebook and his images caught a few people’s interest because they didn’t look natural although CJ claims them to be. Note that most of the images you are to share to win the camera aren’t his but that fact is buried but is there, kinda, so I’m not listing them. Combined with the fact that he’s less than a year into the business things started popping in people’s heads and at least two people have investigated and brought some info to me.
CJ aka Christopher Jones posts quite a lot of amazing images yet dodges every singe question about where his location was and how he found such amazing light. Instead he talks about his one-on-one classes he offers to learn how he works. This is what finally sent me to post here as I hear he runs a newbie photographer group and sells his workshops to them. Folks, you aren’t going to learn how to shoot like this because the shot is a composite that is heavily photoshopped. This isn’t out of camera work.
Yes some work here IS stock but some images he used are NOT stock and he did NOT get rights to use the images. Nor does it sound like he licensed them correctly but I am awaiting on replies in regards to that. I have been in contact with all of the photographers and most have got back to me already stating that Christopher Jones did NOT have permission to use their images in this manner.
Update 4/2016: Scroll to the bottom for the 4/2016 addition of the Ava Ryan Photography chapter to this book. TL;DR: Chris and his wife Erin are now running a company called Ava Ryan Photography. They started offering editing classes to photographers and opened up a mentoring group. People connected the dots as to who Chris is and have posted about it online. Somehow this was my fault. Now Erin is claiming that Chris has nothing to do with Ava Ryan and it is her business alone despite him using the Ava Ryan account to post as himself, he being included in the “About Us” page and multiple of Chris’s images being on the Ava Ryan galleries.
Continue reading CJ Photography aka Ryan Christoph Images AKA Chris Jones AKA White Anchor Films in Georgia