Tag Archives: youngstown

Kaley Toth Photography in Youngstown, OH

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kaleytothphotography
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kaleytothphotography/

PS Facebook Post

I was minding my own damn business when a post hit my Facebook feed from a photographer advertising mini sessions in a wedding group. I pinged right away they were stolen images so I searched to verify, then went to her Facebook Page and saw a shitbrick of stolen images advertising various sessions.

I replied and said, “These aren’t your images and it’s copyright infringement to use someone else’s work to advertise your own. This goes for ALL of the photos on your Facebook Page advertising sessions with images that aren’t yours.” and went along with my Sunday, not intending to make a post.

Then Kaley replies back saying, “If you read the entire post it’s stated it is an example of the set up. Thank you for your concern đź™‚

Ma’am. You did NOT just try to gaslight me. No, no siree.

Her original post, as shown below, states NOWHERE that these aren’t examples. She slyly edited to say that after I called her out then tried to gaslight me by saying her post stated that. EVEN IF IT DID, since we’re all here we know better than thinking that makes copyright infringement okay but she didn’t say that originally.

I replied again and also called her out on her gaslighting. She deleted the post and then blocked me. Curiously, she did NOT delete her ad.

So, here we go.

To make it CRYSTAL clear: even *if* you say “inspiration photos” unless you have permission from the photographer/original content creator you cannot just use the images. Even if you have THEIR permission your clients have a case against you for deceptive advertising if your images do not compare in quality to what you posted.


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