Tag Archives: Whitney Slusser

Whitney Slusser Photography in Lancaster, PA

Website: https://www.whitneyslusserphotography.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whitneyslusserphotography
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1037237566984504
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whitneyelizabethknott/

Past Business Names: Whitney Elizabeth Photography, Whitney Jones Photography, Whitney Smith Photography, Irish Twins Photography, Don’t Blink Photography

Past Locations: California, Utah, Arizona, South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland

PS Facebook Page Discussion Post

Holy moly.

Whitney has been submitted to me a few various times over the years but generally when I’ve had her dumped into my lap I’ve been too busy with the job that actually pays me to invest time into unraveling the mess that is Whitney Slusser / Whitney Slusser-Smith / Whitney Elizabeth / Whitney Elizabeth Knott / Whitney Elizabeth Knøtt.

There is some photo stealing here, she does like her some inspiration pics! However, the bigger picture here is the problematic history that Whitney has as a professional photographer.

I prefer things to be told chronologically so I’m going to attempt to tell this story in a timeline format so the sourcing format for stolen images will be a bit differet.

While I tried to mostly stick to things related to photography there are some other parts of this story that play into the photography parts so I’ve included it.

Grab your popcorn. It’s a (long) ride below the cut but I promise that it’s a story that needs telling.

Summary: In the past ~8 years of being in business that I can find online, Whitney Elizabeth Knøtt / Whitney Elizabeth / Whitney Slusser Photography (aka Don’t Blink Photography and Irish Twins Photography) has cancelled or no showed to many weddings and sessions. If she does show there has been problems getting photos and/or prints. Refunds are few and far between. She has also at times used images that were not her own to represent her business.

Canceled/No Show/Undelivered Sessions: 14+
Canceled/No Show/Undelivered Weddings: 22+

Trigger Warning: infant loss, child loss, cancer, sexual assault, suicidal ideation, suicide attempt

Last Updated 11/9/2023: Ugh. I wish I could say that I’m surprised to hear that Whitney is up to her shit again this fall but I’m not. I’m mostly sorry for the clients she’s burned, yet again.

• Added four more weddings for 2023. One from July with photos and a refund that weren’t delivered until this week after the client posted online, three for October that she cancelled last minute on (as per usual, two were for the same date).

• Here’s hoping that maybe she’ll be prosecuted like CP Family Photography who has a similar history to Whitney (but with less clients affected).

Update 7/14/2023:
• Added another client who Whitney sent in a last minute replacement for on 10/22/2022

• Added a post of Whitney needing last minute second photographer coverage for a wedding 5/27/2023

• More proof Whitney is still pursuing photography despite her claiming to be stepping back

Update 5/10/2023: Whitney is back to replying to ISO’s and posting ads for her photography business.

Update 2/20/2023 @ 10AM: even more receipts including a rebuttal from Whitney via email and Facebook (spoiler alert: she doesn’t refute anything with the sessions, only asserts the medical history is factual). Also included a chat message from Whitney telling her friends that she’s stepping back from photography in 2023.

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