- Web: http://reactionphotographysd.com/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Reaction-Photography/340870288214?ref=ts
- Amazon Ad: http://local.amazon.com/omaha/B00HQ07G6I?src=email&cid=em_dd_322_681_na_s1_&ref_=pe_628140_112030890_fd
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/Carmenphoto25
- Weddings.com: http://omaha.weddings.com/Local/omaha-Reaction-Photography/VendorDetail.aspx/PHO-611027
- Weddings.com 2: http://lincoln.weddings.com/Local/lincoln-Reaction-Photography/VendorDetail.aspx/PHO-611027
- Living Social Ad: https://www.livingsocial.com/cities/50-omaha/deals/1013769-one-hour-photo-shoot-with-20-high-res-images
Awwww it’s a thief that takes me back to my roots, well almost. My first foray into this “field” so to speak was with a girl named Dana Dawes who stole a bunch of photos for her Groupon ad. The news even got involved with the story and when they showed her in her studio, the stolen images were even displayed there. This new thief came to me via the same starting point – someone saw their Amazon Ad (the image used in the ad appears to be theirs) and clicked on their website and discovered a gallery of images that are not theirs.
A photographer earlier today had his images removed but Reaction Photography aka Carmen Ridenoure took only their images down, not all of the stolen ones. Of course a new “assistant” was blamed. Interesting that the images that are not Reaction’s original works are the ones featured in ads and the first ones in the slideshows online.
PS: Let this be a lesson to future brides, this company won “The Best of The Knot” award for 2013 AND 2014. That award doesn’t mean much.
Facebook Page:
Some of the items I’ve already listed. Here’s what hasn’t been listed yet:
Wedding Wire Profile (same for both CA and NE)
Update 01/16/2014 @ 10:37PM EST
You guys, it’s a mix up! Reaction removed all ads and stolen images from their Facebook and are cleaning up their website.
Mind you, Katherine Beth is the only new associate that they’ve talked about before today. Her work is part of their The Knot profile page but it is/was not part of any other gallery on their website. Katherine has also commented on her page that SHE would be taking over Reaction’s San Diego base when Carmen moves to Omaha.
Not sure who the hell this Joe guy is though.
But hey… we’re getting tons of hits so… time for an ad! This time without a stolen image!
Update 01/16/2014 @ 11:33PM EST
New update. She is now blaming a “guy” whom earlier she called Joe. Earlier today when talking to the first photographer that found out about the theft she blamed a girl named Paige. Interesting. So who is it? Paige or Joe?
Update 01/16/2014 @ 11:47PM
The Facebook page is down but someone was able to grab this for me just before it was deleted. Note the last comment.
Update 01/17/2014 @2:19PM EST
I heard some people are falling for the story that Carmen is telling. The story she’s giving NOW is that she hired a guy named Joe Serano and he is the source of all of the stolen images she believed were his own work. She’s totally innocent you guys!
Unfortunately less than 12 hours before Joe was blamed she told the first photographer to issue her a C&D that it was hackers and a girl she recently hired named Paige.
If you can’t read it it says (emphasis is mine):
“On Thursday, January 16, 2014 12:32 PM, Reaction Photography <reactionphoto@aol.com> wrote:
Oh my goodness, I am so sorry I am not sure what happened, we just posted to the knot this past month and have had our account hacked, I am going to of course figure out what is going on, we might have to restart our account!
Thank you so much!,
This is her follow up email
“On Thursday, January 16, 2014 12:43 PM, Reaction Photography <reactionphoto@aol.com> wrote:
Did you have a photographer that worked there Paige? We hired a photographer a couple months ago and I believe those were sample images of her work, now that I look at them. Just let me know, maybe that’s an issue. We are deleting them right now though! So sorry for the issues!
Thank you,
When the photographer wrote back and said no and to take the images down immediately this is her reply.
“On Thursday, January 16, 2014 12:59 PM, Reaction Photography <reactionphoto@aol.com> wrote:
Oh that’s not good…guess I’m going to be down a photographer. Thank you again!