Tag Archives: Ottawa

Kristen Hunt Photography in Ottawa, Ontario

Website:  http://kristenhuntphotography.com/
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/kristenhuntphotography
Craigslist:   http://ottawa.craigslist.ca/biz/4610333518.html
Kijiji: http://www.kijiji.ca/v-photography-video/ottawa/20-newborn-photography-limited-time-only/1004375980?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true
Kijiji: http://www.kijiji.ca/v-sales-retail-jobs/ottawa/sales-representatives-for-photography-business/1009841588?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true
Indeed Ad: http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fca.indeed.com%2Fcmp%2FKristen-Hunt-Photography%2Fjobs%2FSales-Representative-Photography-Business-2c9ae5d2133ee258&h=pAQEoJQGr

This may be one of the stranger submissions I’ve received.  At first glance it looks like a girl who is just starting her new photography business… but when you look deeper you see she also is advertising for janitorial/cleaning service.  Odd combination.  Of course, the sessions are all free.  You only “pay” for her time which is $20 for a portrait session and $40 for a wedding.  Wow.

Thanks again for the ad clicks to keep the site running!

Update 08/11/2014 @ 10:30AM

Added the plagiarized About Me source.

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