Dana Nichole Photography in Kansas City, Missouri

Website: http://www.dananichole.com/

Blog:  http://dananichole.com/blog/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/dananicholephotography

Craigslist: http://kansascity.craigslist.org/bfs/4405757468.html

Crowd Savings:  http://www.crowdsavings.com/kansas-city/23486-dana-nichole-photography

Yelp: http://www.yelp.com/biz/dana-nichole-photography-kansas-city-2

One question I get a lot is why is wedding images the most featured here.  Partially it is because I’m a wedding photographer so that’s what I’m naturally drawn to but also these images tend to be the most stolen.  Many photographers start out doing portraits but then decide they are going to “break into” weddings because they see that’s where the money is at (never you mind that weddings are more expensive because they are much harder!).  Since they do not have their own portfolio to draw from for advertising, they use others.  This happens in other genres too (boudoir is second runner up!) but weddings seem to be the biggest money draw is so therefore it’s the category that’s most often featured.  I’m going to be doing a FAQ post soon, feel free to comment with your burning questions.

Her website appears to  be clear due to the lack of wedding images but the other sites are not so clean, including her blog which I find amusing that she disabled right clicks on.

Update 04/17/2014 @ 9:00AM

The owner/husband of the owner have commented below claiming the issue was only with the ONE Craigslist ad and the images were all from free wedding image websites.  I already showed images from the blog and Facebook, added images from the second Craigslist ad that included the recessional with the petals.

Note, it doesn’t matter if you are using free stock images (which all of these images are not stock imagery) it is dishonest to use these images to represent your personal body of work as a photographer, often it is also against the TOS of the stock image site.

Original photographer


Unknown original source


Unknown original source


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Unknown original source


Original source


Original source


Unknown original source


Unknown original source


Unknown original source


Unknown original source



Unknown original source


Unknown original source


Original source
